Please be nice to Varuntorn Thanacharoen on here... she really does just want people to say it's alright and it would mean a lot if you were nice to her... she might even feel happy. I'm sorry if by replying I made worse for you babe. I just want to make you feel happy. I'm sorry for any hurt or drama I've brought you... I promised you I would not cause any and only make you happier than ever, that was a 2 days ago and I'm doing my best. I tried to get your phone for you, I'm waiting to hear from you so we can do together. please no more drama no more bad at all. I just want to do good and see you happy, that's what makes me happy and why I'm here in Thailand at all. don't like my comment please, it's just for her... Nung suai tee soot, tirak... Phom rak Nung mak mak