This part consists of four sections. The first section presents the research strategy that is conducted in this research. The second part will discuss the sampling methods. The third section will discuss tools of data collection and the fourth section will elaborate methods to analyze the data.
The research strategies consist of: 1) In-depth literature review, A literature review discusses published information in a particular subject area, and information in a particular subject area within a certain time. 2) Conduct Reliability and Validity testing of the measurement tools. 3) Conducting survey. Data were collected using Convenience sampling at State-Owned Organization which conduct organizational changes, with the characteristics of respondents are as follows, permanent employees, have been working at least two years in the company, and at least Senior High School graduates. In this study, the researcher will use various scale (questionnaires) as follows: 1) Change Commitment Inventory (Herscovicth & Meyer, 2002), 2) Change Leadership and 3) Job Satisfaction, which has already translated in Indonesian language, and has been tested its reliability and validity. Based on model that authors has been built, Data will be analyzed using descriptive analysis and regression analysis and SEM (Lisrel) to know interrelationship between variables.