Wow! A hero!? I like the sound of that!" Thora laughed. "We'd name you Time Keeper or something like that! Maybe you'll get your own t-shirt with your name on it! Just like all of those Batman hoodies you see at the thrift store!"
(Y/N) didn't reply as she swung her bag over her shoulder. Looking at Tara once more collapsed on the floor, (Y/N) debated on whether or not she should actually wake up the poor girl. Tara, being the heavy sleeper she was, could sleep almost everywhere and was always a challenge to get up. Would it really do (Y/N) any good to help her get up when it would delay her own time in going to class? She still had lots of things to do after all, and being late to class wouldn't help her in any of these things.
"Busy? Yeah right. You just study all the time!" Thora complained.
"I need the good grades. I didn't get into Gotham Academy because I was rich or because of something like that! I'm here because I've gotten a once in lifetime opportunity and I'm not going to waste it."
Thora said nothing to that. (Y/N) took her silence as a gesture of respect for her hard work and simply decided that it would just be best to go to class. Thora surely wouldn't mind missing a few classes, especially since the girl seemed to get good grades whether she studied or not.
"Which is totally unfair." (Y/N) added in thought.
(Y/N) left her room and tugged her bag along with her into the school. Already she could spot the looks of awe and shock on the faces of people passing by, as if surprised she still even attended this school after all of the crap that happened. (Y/N) couldn't recognize most of the students looking at her, but she did catch a few familiar faces of the students she helped out. They, out of everyone, seemed to be the most thankful after the danger of seeing what a villain in Gotham could really do. They actually had the chance to die and they all knew it. That's what made it so scary.
"Ms. (Y/N). Glad to see you could make it." Her teacher greeted her as she entered the classroom. Once again unwanted stares bore into her back as she headed to her desk to sit. Her teacher dismissed it easily, however, much to (Y/N)'s relief. At least the teacher wouldn't ask too many questions, but you certainly couldn't expect the same from curious academy students.
"Today we have a new student. On the request of Bruce Wayne who helps support and fund this school, we gladly accepted his son Damian Wayne into this classroom. Please treat him fairly and with kindness. He skipped a few grades so he may be a bit younger than you, but don't feel intimidated by his grades!"
The minute she introduced the kid, Damian Wayne had walked in with a straight and sophisticated posture.