Large pineapple fruit is, for the same stage of ripeness, less acid and sweeter than small. Among the parameters more suitable to grade pineapples into classes of physiological maturity were (in the
case of the intact fruit), skin colour (shell colour) and (in the case of the flesh), translucency and flesh colour (Smith, 1988a). Significant differences (PIO.05) were found in fruit weight, crown weight and fruit length between cultivars.
Large pineapple fruit is, for the same stage of ripeness, less acid and sweeter than small. Among the parameters more suitable to grade pineapples into classes of physiological maturity were (in the
case of the intact fruit), skin colour (shell colour) and (in the case of the flesh), translucency and flesh colour (Smith, 1988a). Significant differences (PIO.05) were found in fruit weight, crown weight and fruit length between cultivars.
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