Read the text below. Then act out the greeting of each country.
People in diffcrent countries greet differenlty. in Myanmar people greet by placing their hands in front of their Inest, palms together, to indicate respect. A slight vow of the head accompanies this gesture.Combodians greet one another by placing both hands together in a prayer position at chest level without touching the body. To show respect, Indonesian men and women usually shake hands and bow the head slightly when introduced for the first time. After that it is unusual to shake hands. Instead, a nod or slight bow is most appropriate. The generally accepted greeting among Lao people is the Nop, which involves placing one's hands together in a prayer positions at chest level, but not touching the body. The higher the hands are held, the greater the sign of respect. The traditional and most common greeting in Thailand is called the Wai. How the gesture is performed depends entirely on the relationship between the people, Generallv person places the palms of their hands together with their fingers extended at chest level, and bow slightly. Young and Western-influenced Vietnamese generally shake hands when greeting and saying goodbye. But the majority of Vietnamese do not shake hands. One uses both hands to show respect for older people and those of status. For example, an elder sister or brother bowing the head slightly shaking hands also indicates respect