with the child because whenever he woke up I
also had too. (P14)
I always thought that I had been a mother
already. When my friends asked me to hang
out, I did not go with them. If it was prior to
having the baby, I would go with them. (P10)
Coping with the new roles: Coping with the new
roles meant that adolescent mothers managed their
duties effectively with the new roles. All participants
performed multiple roles and used a variety of strategies
to balance them including managing time, making a plan
of work, negotiating, physical adapting, and adapting
mind. Most participants stated that they could perform
many roles simultaneously because they could manage
their time, such as:
It was not hard to do a variety of tasks because I
could manage my time. I took care of my child
on Monday to Friday and studied on Saturday
or Sunday. Moreover, my studying class was
just a half day, not a whole day. (P1)
Some participants made a plan of work in a
daily planner. They wrote various tasks about what to
do on each day, and when to do in each tasks:
I must clearly allocate the time on the daily
planner when to do any task. I wrote all the
planning about how to manage andgained
discipline to do all the tasks.(P12)
For negotiating, the participants disclosed their
strategies as negotiating friends to divide up group work,
and then they took their part to do oneself at home. As one
participant stated:
I asked my friends to divide the group work
into parts, and then I took my part to do at
home. Sometimes, I let my friends do it first,
and then I took the rest of it to do by myself at
home because I wanted to spend time with my
child. (P14)