Ye Chen said: „Your link lives in my waist.”
Murong Qingcheng slightly has the hesitation, but behind sees the dark red color vine that pursues, lives in the waist of Ye Chen according to the word link, Qi Shaofeng sees that face expression slightly one stiff.
The right hand is idle, Ye Chen extracts Dragon Spring Sword, does not return, displays in Shocking Clouds Swordsmanship another move of wide scope to attack the Swordsmanship thunder toward the rear area.
Startling thunderclap continuous crack, dozens Sword Qi strangle to death.
Only hears puff the sound to resound, the dark red color vine that pursues is slivered the fragment, but quick grew , to continue to pursue to leaving very far tornado.
In the jungle, this is Ye Chen fifth time displays Whirlwind Destroying Clouds, True Qi has consumed.
The meaning of not having avoided suspicion, Ye Chen filled one to make up True Qi Medicine Pill toward the mouth instantaneously.
Murong Qingcheng and Qi Shaofeng do not care, believes in them that what Ye Chen swallows is ordinary Medicine Pill, was impractical in the same old way True Qi, but a little has doubts at heart, why the Ye Chen strength as before placed Peak, before him, had not been attacked by the vine, Medicine Pill that therefore swallows is few.
Also only then this explained.
But Ye Chen sees this point naturally takes Medicine Pill.
The dragon volume air current curls three people to dash, speed quick inconceivable, and under the control of Ye Chen, flexible inconceivable, easily can go round various obstacles.
„Brother Ye this Swordsmanship is really marvelous exceptionally, can wrap the human but actually unexpectedly.” Qi Shaofeng cannot bear say.
Ye Chen smiled, had not explained that this move of Whirlwind Destroying Clouds is he reorganizes.
The jungle is the Man-Eater Vine supreme headquarters, the blue-green red color vine that also many dark red color vines and blot out the sky surrounds.
„Remaining star cuts!”
„Heavenly Demon Force Field!”
Murong Qingcheng and Qi Shaofeng present strength, although is inferior to Ye Chen, but is keeping several tenths strength finally, displays Secret Arts, strangles to death vine that is encircling.
Ye Chen is glad with ease, their remaining strengths still made him somewhat surprised, particularly Murong Qingcheng, the current strength must above Lin Yue, be good because of him as before swallows the excessive Medicine Pill consequence clearly, few month of painstaking efforts, gave up any idea of that restores to the Peak condition.
Kills, three people are away from the jungle surrounding not to be far.
Suddenly, a Ye Chen brow wrinkle.
Murong Qingcheng inquired: „How?”
„Very formidable life body pursues from the place, the speed is very astonishing.” Soul Strength is unable to seep under the place is too deep, therefore Ye Chen not clear that formidable life body is anything, but he does not doubt the threat of opposite party.
„That present what to do?”
Must leave this dangerous place shortly, who expects one wave not to put down one wave to get up, Murong Qingcheng and Qi Shaofeng were chaotic immediately the discretion.
Ye Chen deeply inspires, „I have the means to run away, but is very big to my loss.”
„Anything loses, I compensate you.” Qi Shaofeng said without hesitation.
„Yuan Light Ball!”
„Yuan Light Ball?”
Qi Shaofeng is astonished however, this type of extremely rare maintaining life thing he has heard, it is said can block below Astral Reaching Realm any attack, to Clasping Yuan Realm Military, is even more precious than middle-grade Treasure high-grade Treasure, after all the latter is unable to guarantee their lives, the former can actually.
„I compensate your 100,000 low-grade Spirit Stone and 3000 middle-grade Spirit Stone.”