Concierge position is definitely interested me. Concierge position provides me a chance to help others especially tourist. I would like to help tourists either Thai or Foreigner especially when someone tries to take advantage on them. When I perform on this position, will be no one doubt or misunderstood why did I do that? Because it was my responsibility, it was my duty. Why I do worry about people might be doubt on what I did? Because I had an experience, I was in the situation that I walked toward to help one tourist to get out of greedy and take advantage taxi, but I got shouted and complained from taxi that it was not my business and that tourist does not asks any help from me. However, if I perform on this position and behave professionally, then will be no one doubt and shout on me. I can always explain to them that this is my responsibility and I have all the right to be involve with the situation. On the top of that, I want people who I help feel uncomfortable. I want them feel comfortable and I want to feel confident and comfortable to help anyone as well.