4.2.2. Working in Isolation
Participants talked about working in isolation in two ways: one was the separation from family, friends, and colleagues when teaching offshore, and the other was about teaching individual subjects within the TNEP. In both the BN (Conversion) and the MN courses, subject coordinators expressed a desire to be more familiar with the overall course curriculum and how their subject fitted into the whole.
“I like to know how things work together, and I don't see how the subject works with the others in the way that I probably should. So, it's a Master of Nursing, but what are the elements of the Master of Nursing? Where are we clashing? So I think subject coordinators coming together, talking about that, would be really good. So that I can say well in this subject, you know, you've done this or you'll do this and this is where you'll pick up ideas, so we're linking ideas across subjects I think is probably missing.It seems to be an individual subject that we're teaching and so that would probably be one thing that I think would help them, as well as help us.”