A green roof not only adds esthetics values to the buildings, butalso enhances the thermal performance of buildings and minimizesthe heat transfer which eventually helps in controlling the indoortemperature. Having good control on the indoor temperature leadsto less use of the HVAC systems and increases the energy savings inaddition to the improvement in the space quality in terms of ther-mal comfort. Green roof strategy in its simplest application givestotal energy savings up to 17% which could reach higher percent-ages in more advanced green roof types. Promoting this techniquewill benefit the architecture industry in terms of building cost aswell.It is also shown that the green roof technology is very usefulfor thermal comfort in decreasing the energy consumption usedfor the HVAC systems. Its benefits come from the reduction of theU-value resulted from adding the soil medium. In addition, to thecultivated plants which decrease the effect of winds on buildingroofs and protect them against other climatic conditions.It is recommended that green roofs with clay and grass be usedin residential building in Jordan for the purpose of energy saving aswell as achieving a good level of thermal comfort for occupants.Future studies should focus on creating and testing more effi-cient building materials to be used in green roof construction toincrease the efficiency of the current green roof technology.