The entire .5 is deducted for ridiculous overuse of shaky cam. I understand that a lot of filmmakers employ the technique to lend a sense of ‘reality’ to a given scene, or do it help mask perceived flaws, or to just help create a certain atmosphere… but enough already. It’s getting ridiculous that people pay $15-20 for a movie ticket to watch movies that look like they’re being filmed by a 15 year old in the throes of an epileptic seizure. If you don’t trust your special effects team, your fight choreographers and your stunt team (or actors) to make the scene believable maybe you should hire people you actually do trust enough to not have to hide their work.
That was the only mar I found (albeit a big one) on an otherwise spectacular film.
Chris Evans isn’t given enough credit for doing such a strong job on such a difficult, and sadly outdated, character like Captain America (seriously that was a classic Captain America speech he gave in the Treskelion at the end, and he delivered it beautifully). He brings an earnestness and conviction to role I have a hard time seeing being duplicated. There was enough balance and interplay between all the characters in a reasonably large cast that none of them felt overshadowed or left out. The action sets were comic book quality faithfully rendered on the big screen, the plot twists were entertaining and (largely) unexpected, and the subtext and social commentary was well-done and gave an added depth to the story.