best practices for change funds include:
The fund is properly safeguarded, and stored separately from other funds;
The amount of the fund is appropriate for operational needs
Payments are controlled by an electronic receipting system or pre-numbered receipts:
Deposits are prepared by an independent person;
Checks are restrictively endorsed upon receipt;
Voids are adequately documented:
The fund is properly reflected in the financial system; Cash less receipts equal the authorized balance: and. Cashing of personal checks is prohibited.
The fund is properly safeguarded, and stored separately from other cash;
The amount is appropriate for operational needs; Disbursements are for authorized, legitimate purposes: The fund is periodically reconciled by independent staff.
A petty cash ledger is maintained reflecting all activity;
All purchases are supported by signed receipts or equivalent,
The fund is properly reflected in the financial system; and Cash plus receipts equal the authorized fund balance.