Pattaya not only is a top attraction in Thailand, but its reputation has also
been spread all over the world. This is because there are a number of natural
attractions in Pattaya, such as Pattaya Beach, Jomtien beach, Koh Larn,
Silverlake winery, and so on. Apart from these natural attractions, there are also
night clubs, a broad range of restaurants, sports and water activities, and
traditional shows. It is therefore not surprisingly to see numerous numbers of
visitors travelling Pattaya, especially in October to March where it is as the peak
There is a story for the reason why this city is named Pattaya. In 1767,
before the second fall of the Thailand former capital, Ayuthaya, to Burmese,
Phraya Kampangpetch named Tak Sin (became King Tak Sin later) believed that
weak army in the former capital could not win the war from Burmese during that
time. Then he, Phraya Kampangpetch, gather Thai soldiers to fight for heading
southeast of Thailand in order to develop a new strategy and collect more soldiers
to fight back Burmese army.
On the way of heading to Chanthaburi, he made a decision to let the troop
stay at the current location of Pattaya. However, Phraya Kampangpetch then
encounters with the troop of Nai Glom, who tried to intercept him. Surprisingly,
Phraya Kampangpetch was riding a fighting elephant followed by his troop to
head to the middle of the troop of Nai Glom in order to frighten the opponent. When Nai Glom met face to face with Phraya Kampangpetch, he then chose to
surrender without a fight because of a respect in Phraya Kampangpetch’s manner
and his army conformity.
Pattaya not only is a top attraction in Thailand, but its reputation has alsobeen spread all over the world. This is because there are a number of naturalattractions in Pattaya, such as Pattaya Beach, Jomtien beach, Koh Larn,Silverlake winery, and so on. Apart from these natural attractions, there are alsonight clubs, a broad range of restaurants, sports and water activities, andtraditional shows. It is therefore not surprisingly to see numerous numbers ofvisitors travelling Pattaya, especially in October to March where it is as the peakseason.There is a story for the reason why this city is named Pattaya. In 1767,before the second fall of the Thailand former capital, Ayuthaya, to Burmese,Phraya Kampangpetch named Tak Sin (became King Tak Sin later) believed thatweak army in the former capital could not win the war from Burmese during thattime. Then he, Phraya Kampangpetch, gather Thai soldiers to fight for headingsoutheast of Thailand in order to develop a new strategy and collect more soldiersto fight back Burmese army.On the way of heading to Chanthaburi, he made a decision to let the troopstay at the current location of Pattaya. However, Phraya Kampangpetch thenencounters with the troop of Nai Glom, who tried to intercept him. Surprisingly,Phraya Kampangpetch was riding a fighting elephant followed by his troop tohead to the middle of the troop of Nai Glom in order to frighten the opponent. When Nai Glom met face to face with Phraya Kampangpetch, he then chose tosurrender without a fight because of a respect in Phraya Kampangpetch’s mannerand his army conformity.
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