The advantage of the immune system by using a "vaccine" to stimulate immune. Control and drive out of the canonicity of all over the world. A campaign of the World Health Organization (WHO). In order to reduce the death of human beings.
In the history of the development of a vaccine indefinitely. The vaccine is commonly used it if it is in the developing world have measles, polio, diphtheria, pertussis, and cut ทะยัก tuberculosis. In the developed countries are often vaccinated against new influenza and rubella vaccination with protection all over the world. By WHO expanded immunization projects around the world. But a significant portion of the population away from cities and border areas often did not receive the vaccine. Due to not get information. Motivation and perceived right to benefit from receiving the vaccine is not vaccinated. The development of a vaccine has the potential for improving health in developing countries is an important step of research and development work method of the vaccine. As an effective protection. Reduce the serious illness and reduce the deaths that may occur. The type of the vaccine have different forms. Such a vaccine for polio is an injection to kill virus, etc., the effectiveness and safety of the vaccine is very safe and side effects. The value of the immune system. Will consider from the cost effective of the investment in health in vaccination. The cost of immune children, including measles, polio, diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, and tuberculosis. Financial immunity. Because developing countries have problems getting the vaccine. Many countries have ideas to raise funds to support to get the vaccine โดยเสนอ WHO UNICEF thoroughly on the immunity of WHO working with partners and the government. UN agencies, international agencies and other government agencies, bilateral health development, organization, occupation, and the private sector, such as the support and facilitate research and development. Etc.