Being LGBT in Asia
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“Being LGBT in Asia” is a ground-breaking, first-of-its-kind joint analysis conducted by USAID and UNDP alongside grassroots LGBT organizations and community leaders to understand the challenges faced by Asia’s LGBT people. Guided by a Senior Asian LGBT Advisory Group, and implemented in eight focus countries and 10 additional jurisdictions, the initiative aims to educate and raise awareness among stakeholders about LGBT rights and the benefits of an inclusive approach to the development process.
The Review and Analysis methodology examines the LGBT experience in Asia from a Democracy, Human Rights and Governance (DRG) perspective, rather than through historic HIV lenses. It reflects the principles outlined in the USAID LGBT Foreign Assistance Strategy by drawing upon donor collaboration, innovative and participatory approaches to understanding the operating environment, utilizing multimedia and social media technology in new ways to urge creative dialogue, while empowering and educating stake-holders and development partners. The initiative also informs development policy and programming, and provides value added products to a range of USG and UN stakeholders and associated development partners.