Formulate a legal and regulatory framework for the sustainable development and management of tourism, protection and conservation of natural and cultural resources; and, facilitation of the involvement of private sector and local communities in tourism development activities. It reflects the roles and responsibilities of all stakeholders; ensures the rights of international/local tourists; and, ensures the rights and obligations of participating businesses, inbound-outbound tour operators and all other concerned players in the tourism field.
3-6 months
Indicative budget
€ 75,000 – 100,000
Target beneficiaries
Destination Management Organizations
Local communities
National Tourism Administration
Private sector
Provincial Governments
Outputs / deliverables
A logical and well-defined legal and regulatory framework for tourism.
Identify the role of legislation in tourism development.
Build consensus for tourism legislation through:
• consistency with National Development Policy;
• consistency with National Tourism Policy;
• review existing legal regulations governing tourism development;
• review existing classification guidelines which affect the quality of existing tourism facilities and services and identify gaps and constraints;
• identify core legal issues;
• identify stakeholder groups;
• identify the range of legal tools available;
• address issues of enforcement;
• build in quality assurance and foster professionalism; and
• facilitate business development.
Identify the roles and responsibilities of various government agencies, at central and local level, in tourism development.
Organize a series of workshops at the regional level with all stakeholders to identify current gaps and constraints in legislation related to tourism planning, development, management and promotion.
Based on the above, formulate a draft Tourism Law for the sustainable development, management and regulation of the tourism industry determining the rights and obligations of the Government in terms of protecting natural and cultural resources and tourism development and management; the rights and obligations of the industry suppliers; and the rights and obligations of the consumers.
Organize a national conference to disseminate the draft Tourism Law to all stakeholders to obtain their feedback and endorsement.