There are many e-Iearning game websites. The games are
often in foreign languages, regardless of the child learning's
limitations, not free of charge. For example:
Rajabhat University has provided an e-Iearning website for
preschool children ( Units of learning
are separated into kindergarten 1, 2 and 3 with each five main
activities. All contents on the website are video presentations
in Thai language. Some video takes more than 15 minutes. The
advantages of website are the real story and children can follow
as role playing. The disadvantage is long video does not suit for
preschool children.
Learningplanet website is e-learning games website
(www. They provide many
interesting games. Games have been classified by level of
children classes such as preschool, 1 sl_3fd grades, 4th_6th grades
and 7Ih+grades. All materials are English language and have to
pay for an advanced using. The benefits of the website are
variety types of games and attractive graphic pictures.
However, the website does not design for Thai children and
needs to pay for some function.
By above sample websites, it is obvious that there is limited
choice for Thai early childhood education in terms of using elearning
games, particularly games that have been designed and
developed by educational experts. To solve this problem, we
study the games' requirement from Education professionals and
build an alternative prototype for Thai people.