Kahn (1990: 694) defined engagement as “the harnessing of organization members’ selves to their work roles; in
engagement, people employ and express themselves physically, cognitively and emotionally during role
performances”. The definition of Kahn indicates that engagement have physical, cognitive and emotional
engagement dimensions. In order to have a high engagement level, three dimensions of engagement should be
occurred at the same time in the work environment. Wefald et al. (2012) describe the engagement as an emerging
job attitude which measures psychological presence and involvement of employees. As engagement considered as an attitude, the organizations need to investigate the ways of fostering engagement. Schaufeli et al. (2004) defined
engagement as “a positive, fulfilling and work-related state of mind and characterized by vigour, dedication and
absorption dimensions”. Kahn (1990) and Schaufeli et al. (2002) were all agree that engagement is a work and
employee related positive concept. Personality of the employees can be considered as an important variable to affect
their engagement levels. For instance two employees working in the same environment may have different levels of
engagement. This difference can exist because of their different personality traits. The purpose of the study is to
determine which personality traits effects the engagement levels of employees. The results can be functional for
both facets of working relations. The true match of job and employee will help for the success of employee and
organization facets. Employees can be conscious about what sort of jobs are convenient for themselves because
inconvenient jobs can effect employees’ well-being negatively. It can cause stress, pain and unhappiness.
Organizations can also be effected from the inconvenient match of job and employee. Organizations cannot reach
the positive outcomes like productivity, efficiency and economically as they planned. Because especially in service
sector employees are the most crucial part of production.