What should I do?
"We won’t have to kill if you bring that girl here to us”
What the hell am I’m gonna do?
Just as he thinks that he-
“Hey, are you listen-”Mika opened his mouth.
“….Shut up!”
“ Hah!? What the hell did you say now?”
Mika staring dead at the boy, spoke once more,“I said shut up. Did you really think you’ll get away with this to begin with after what you all did to me?”
“Ahh? What the hell are you-”
But Mika goes on, interrupting him.
In a low, hush voice, so Yuu-chan doesn’t overhear he continues,
“The vampire nobel, Lord Ferid Bathory, I’m his favorite. I can come and go as I please at his mansion. Doing such a thing like this, somehow it seems this was your plan all along. To defy the vampires, right?”
He said it. He advocated those vile things!
He revealed the name of his master.