จดหมายนี้เป็นแบบ full blocked
Dear Ms. Audobon
Subject : Fom of a Full-Blocked Letter
This letter style is fast becoming the most popular style in use today. Efficiency is the main Reason for its popularity. The typist can save time and eliminate the necessity of working Out placement. Some organizations are even designing letterheads to accommodate this style. A few years ago, some people felt the full-blocked style looked add. That complaint is seldom heard today, however. As more organizations use a full-blocked style, people have become accustomed to its appearance.
This letter also illustrates one arrangement of the subject line that may be used with any style of the letter. Like an attention line, a subject line may be typed with underscores or in capitals. In a full-blocked letter, it must be blocked, in other letter styles, it may be blocked or centered. It may be blocked or centered. It always appears afire the salutation and before the body, for it is Considered a part of the body.
Sincerely, Jasper F. Broussard
Senior Account Executive