A "learning laboratory," in which managers examine and test what Senge calls their "mental models" for making decisions, is one way to do it. These laboratories often focus on systems dynamics and the long-term implications of making decisions based on outmoded models that fail to integrate complex points of view. The program may include a computer-assisted business simulation that allows managers to study the sometimes disastrous consequences of their decisions without sinking the real ship. These sessions can have a powerful impact by breaking down old assumptions that prevent organizational learning.
* COMMUNICATIONS TECHNOLOGY. Computers and other communication technologies have had a massive impact on organizational learning at all levels. On-line data bases, for example, can give almost everyone in the organization instant access to important information that allows them to solve problems as they occur. Lower-level employees no longer have to ask for help from experts or decision makers up the line. Similarly, expert systems and other smart tools distribute the wisdom of an organization, and make it possible for front-line workers to solve problems that formerly were beyond their ken. Giving employees more access to information promotes widespread learning.
* EMPOWERED EMPLOYEES. Another way that organizations learn is through empowered employees. Enlightened companies, usually driven by the need to respond rapidly to changing market conditions, tell employees to think for themselves and take action to solve problems. This is the equivalent of putting the power of organizational learning into the hands of employees. We see this happening in several ways.
One way is through the team phenomenon. More and more task forces, process-improvement teams and self-directed work units are being given responsibility for innovations and improvements, as well as the authority to act upon what they learn.
The total quality movement is another example. Front-line workers and teams are asked to measure their own quality data, run experiments and take responsibility for making improvements. They check with internal customers and stakeholders to keep their spontaneous learning aligned with the organization's needs.
Sales and service people are being invited to gather "market-back" information about customer desires and new applications. This information is being welcomed and even solicited by marketing and R&D departments, both of which previously disdained such channels.
Companies determined to become learning organizations experiment with one or more of these methods. Their objective: to engage all their employees in improving business practices.