Timing is everything : customer that enter the store must be approach immediately, and the rest of the conversation should become crew sensitivity to measure and feel the right timing to ask the question
Know your customer : gain customer secure feeling is the most important part, show that we know them or if we forget just say simply greeting like ‘ well hello, its nice to see you again’
ask about weather : this is simple question to start some conversation topic with the customers
Ask if they’ve been in before : Jeff Mowatt theory mention that this question is increasing the sales probability by 16%
Complement appropriately : complement is nice but there is psychological trick that do not always say yes and give compliment to customer when they just ask once, try to show our opinion that not offended the customer. After all the customer will think that we really care about them and not just say yes and agreed.
Use a conversation piece : try to create another conversation beside than offer a product