Equity theory focuses on the concept of how hard a person is willing to work is dependent on their perception of what is fair or just when compared to others (Redmond, 2010). In the early sixties, John Stacey Adams proposed that employee motivation is impacted by whether or not the employee believes that their employment benefit/rewards (output/outcomes) are at least equal to the amount of the effort they put into their work (input). If an employee believes their outputs are not equivalent to or greater than their input, then the employee will become de-motivated. Employees will often compare their inputs and outputs to a peer within the organization when assessing whether or not the outputs that they receive are fair (www.learnmanagement2). When a person perceives his/her input/outcome ratio to be unequal with a comparison other, inequity results. Cognitive and or behavioral methods may be employed to reduce the perceived inequity (Redmond, 2010).