To enhance the STS Mechanical to get more effectiveness to detect FoF or Mechanical issue by adding some test/state into it. Such as adding STS_CHROME_SCRN on Lombard, Megalodon and Larmarr STS. -- Please see more detail from Saowapak's mail below.
To reduce the STS Mechanical test time by remove STS RSS out from all programs except MakaraPlus that we need to maintain it for Drive Chunk Qual (High potential to have DCQ on MakaraPlus). -- Roughly check other products never use STS RSS and poor correlation on RSS parameters.
To reduce the STS Mechanical test time by remove some test/state that never used or it is non FoF related. Such as remove GMR_RES_STS_0 out from all programs due to we already have it in HEAD_CAL. Remove PES_SCRN out of all programs due to FA show that it cause from contamination issue not FoF issue and etc....
To have common STS for all program due to we need to use the STS data to detect FoF or Mech issue by Web or New Application that PPE Application Team will create it ASAP. If all programs have common STS it will be great for App team to design the trigger Application furthermore PE team will have common trigger EC or criteria.
I think we need to discuss more on this.... I would like to invite STS PE representative for all programs and PPE App team to meeting with my team on Friday (Time will define later). We can make decision together that what test/state need to add or need to remove and what is the trigger criteria of each programs.
Any question please feel free to let me know.