During the cooling process of the SLN preparation step, the lipid recrystallizes from the melting stage and develops polymorphic crystal. Table 2 presents the DSC parameters of both dispersions measured 1 day of storage at 25 8C. A reduction in melting temperature of the dispersions at 5 and 10% (w/w) (65.6 and 67.4 8C) was observed as compared to the melting temperature of 100% (w/w) bulk lipid (72.6 8C). Furthermore, it was observed that SLNs prepared from lower amount of Compritol 888 ATO demonstrated much lower melting enthalpy (1.6 J/g of 5% (w/w) lipid phase) as compared to the higher one (8.0 J/g of 10% (w/w) lipid phase).