The Stored Program Computer
1943: ENIAC
Presper Eckert and John Mauchly -- first general electronic computer.
(or was it John V. Atanasoff in 1939?)
Hard-wired program -- settings of dials and switches.
1944: Beginnings of EDVAC
among other improvements, includes program stored in memory
1945: John von Neumann
wrote a report on the stored program concept,
known as the First Draft of a Report on EDVAC
The basic structure proposed in the draft became known
as the “von Neumann machine” (or model).
a memory, containing instructions and data
a processing unit, for performing arithmetic and logical operations
a control unit, for interpreting instructions
For more history, see
The Stored Program Computer1943: ENIACPresper Eckert and John Mauchly -- first general electronic computer.(or was it John V. Atanasoff in 1939?)Hard-wired program -- settings of dials and switches.1944: Beginnings of EDVACamong other improvements, includes program stored in memory1945: John von Neumannwrote a report on the stored program concept,known as the First Draft of a Report on EDVACThe basic structure proposed in the draft became knownas the “von Neumann machine” (or model).a memory, containing instructions and dataa processing unit, for performing arithmetic and logical operationsa control unit, for interpreting instructionsFor more history, see
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