selecting two to three bores in each plot. Cages consisted
of plastic cylinders (1 cmlong by 1 cmdiam eter).
A2-mmhole was drilled through both sides of the
cylinder near the middle. On one end of the cylinder,
a 1-mm semicircular indention was formed on each
side (using a rotating 2-mm drill bit). Two GB natural
white nylon cable ties (10 cmlong by 1.5 mmwide)
were inserted through the central holes fromthe exterior
(one with the receptacle entrance up and the
other down) and the cable portion of each tie pulled
into the cylinder and out the bottom. The semicircular
indention at the base of the cylinder formed a slot for
the exiting cable tie, thus permitting the cylinder to
rest ßat against the tree. The cables were wrapped
around the tree, and inserted into the receiving receptacle
of the opposite tie. The cylinder was then
lined up over the gallery entrance, and the ties pulled
tight. Gaps between the cylinder and the tree were
Þlled with GE silicone II household glue (Waterford,