Taking steps to conserve and reuse is easier than you might think. You can do your part to help save the environment just by changing your daily habits, reusing items, and changing your eating habits.
First, changing your daily habits. For example, switch off anything that uses electricity when not in use. If you're not using it, turn it off. Run your air conditioner sparingly or not at all. Air conditioners use a great deal of electricity. Use natural ventilation or a fan to keep cool, as much as possible. Second, reusing items. For instance, donate or share usable household items. Instead of throwing away items, consider giving them away. Donate usable clothes and household items to charity. Buy or make a few reusable fabric bags. Bring them with you whenever you go shopping. Many communities have banned stores from giving out plastic bags, but even if your community still allows them, move to using reusable bags instead.
Finally, changing your eating habits. For example, avoid excess packaging. Often times, food companies expend just as much energy creating the packaging for food products as is expended in producing the actual food. Try not to buy food that is individually wrapped or buy in bulk.