The tepals of cut flowers of Tulipa hybrida cv. Golden Apel- fresh weight h1. Adding 3–5 ml l1 ethylene slightly accelerdoorn
and Tulipa kaufmanniana cv. Shakespeare abscise 3–4 ated the weakening of the abscission zones but had no effect
days after harvest. The weakening of the abscission zones is on the time of first abscission. Neither 0.5 mM silver thiosulaccompanied
by cell wall breakdown and the separation of phate nor 5 mM aminoethoxyvinylglycine delayed the time to
3–4 rows of intact cells at the base of the tepal. During abscission. It is concluded that tulip tepal fall does not involve
senescence, there is no ethylene climacteric and ethylene primary regulation by ethylene, unlike the majority of other
production rates remain low, between 0.07 and 0.4 nl g1 abscission systems that have been studied.