The hare and the tortoise
One day the hare ridiculed.
The short legs and slowness of the tortoise.
The tortoise laughed and said, “ Though you are as swift as the wind, I will beat you in the race”
The hare thought that it was impossible, so he agreed to the dare.
On the day of the race. The took of together.
The hare easily took the lead while the tortoise tried to walk at fast as he could.
No matter how tried the tortoise be came he never once stopped to rest.
Unlike the hare. Who when saw that the tortoise was so far away from him, decided to lay down by the roadside and fill fast asleep.
At last the hare woke up and did not see the tortoise anywhere, So he ran as fast as he could.
But as he approached the goal, he saw that the tortoise was already there and was comfortably sleeping after winning the race.
Moral of the story :
Where there’s a will, there’s a way