1.Open the can, drain the contents, weigh the tuna and record the weight.
2.Pour the drained can contents onto a tared 1.2 cm mesh screen equipped with a collecting pan.
3.Separate the tuna with a spatula being careful not to break the configuration of the pieces. Ensure that the smaller pieces of tuna are moved to the top of a mesh opening to allow them to fall through or be retained on the screen.
4.Segregate the material on the pan according to flaked, grated (shredded) and paste and weigh individually in order to establish the weight of each component.
5.Weigh the screen with the fish retained and record the weight. This weight will be used, by difference, to establish the weight of solid plus chunk tuna.
6.In the case of a "solid" declaration, remove any small pieces (chunks) from the screen and reweigh. This weight can be used to establish the weight of solid tuna by difference.