n the music video for "You and I", a girl travels in a time machine to meet her future boyfriend. The 19 year old IU lives with Hyunwoo -- a boy who has fallen into deep sleep -- in a workshop inside a clock tower inherited by her grandfather. IU does not leave his side and while waiting for him to wake up, decides to make a time machine to go meet him. Finally, the long-awaited moment arrives and she leaves for her time travel both afraid yet excited about meeting Hyunwoo but the two miss each other as Hyunwoo wakes up the moment he reaches age 20.
One can enjoy the minute details of the space within the huge clock tower where cogwheels are turning, including the vintage feel of the workshop and the fairytale-like story with the male protagonist waking up from his sleep when he reaches 20 as well as a time machine to travel into the future.