Kävlinge River Project
In an early stage in Kävlinge River Catchment, it was recognized
that the existing water association was not a sufficient organizational
structure for implementing the new plan, mainly because
of the focus on point source issues and a low interest from the
industries (Lindahl and Söderqvist, 2004). Therefore, the municipalities
initiated a discussion of a new institutional arrangement to
implement the project. This resulted in the Kävlinge River Project
that was initiated as a collaborative project on nutrient mitigation
(1995–2011) amongmunicipalities in the catchment.Abinding and
time limited agreement was established between the municipalities
including, the amount of yearly funding from the different
municipalities, what measures to be undertaken, and guidelines for
where in the catchmentthese measures should be placed. The main
goal was to create 300 ha of wetlands and 200 ha of buffer zones
in the catchment based on voluntary participation of the farmers
(Ekologgruppen, 2010). According to the consultancy (Interviewee
4, Personal Communication) a clear leadership from some of
the municipal representatives in KRC during the initial stage, was
important for the establishment of the new project. This is in line
with Lindahl and Söderqvist (2004) that state that in particular
Lund and Eslöv municipalities played an important role in the initial