One initial priority was to change
the symbolic title for nurses from kanhu to hushi, while
another sought to introduce a national RN qualifying examination
(Watt, 2004). The first annual meeting took place
in 1914, and the council has consisted of an elected body
since that time. There are now over 330, 000 members incorporating
31 branches, 7 working committees and 13 academic
committees (Chinese Nursing Association, 2004).
One initial priority was to changethe symbolic title for nurses from kanhu to hushi, whileanother sought to introduce a national RN qualifying examination(Watt, 2004). The first annual meeting took placein 1914, and the council has consisted of an elected bodysince that time. There are now over 330, 000 members incorporating31 branches, 7 working committees and 13 academiccommittees (Chinese Nursing Association, 2004).
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