where Vw is the molar volume of water in solution, R the universal gas constant, and T the absolute temperature. Osmotic pressure is defined as the mechanical pressure needed to prevent a net flow of solvent across a semi-permeable membrane. For an ideal solution, Equation (3) can be redefined as:
p = RT/Vw ln(Xw) (4)
where Xw is the molar fraction of water in the solution. For non-ideal solutions, the osmotic pressure expression can be rewritten as:
p = RTfnmb(mwVw) (5)
where n is the number of moles of ions formed from one mole of electrolyte, mw and mb are the molar concentrations of water and the solute, respectively, and f the osmotic coefficient, defined as:
f = -mw ln(aw)/nmb (6) Dew point hygrometer
Vapour pressure can be determined from the dew point of an air-water mixture. The temperature at which the dew point occurs is determined by observing condensation on a smooth, cool surface such as a mirror. This temperature can be related to vapour pressure using a psychrometric chart. The formation of dew is detected photoelectrically, as illustrated in the diagram below: