Good quality gluten-free products continue to be in deman d among the celi accommun ity and the
production of pas ta from non-conventional raw ma terials is a major technologic al chal lenge. In this
work, the effec ts of two dif ferent pasta -makin g processes (conventional and extrus ion-cook ing) were
investiga ted on parboi led brown and mi lled rice fl ours. The two processes dif ferentiated for extrus ion
temperature ( convention al extrus ion: 50 C, max; extrusion -cookin g: 115 C), whereas the drying
diagram was the same . Starch mod ifi ca tions induced by each pasta -makin g process were analyzed by
using a Micro-Visco Amylo-graph (MVAG), Differential Scan ning Calorime try (DSC) , and X-ray Diffraction.
The cooking quality was evaluated by weight increase, sol id los s into the cooki ng water, and texture
analysi s. Pas ta obtai ned from milled rice using t he extrus ion-cook ing process was characterized by the
best cooki ng behavior. In this sampl e, starch presented the highes t peak and fi nal visc osities, the highes t
gelatinization temperature and lower enth alpy valu e, and the lowest crystallinity. The cooki ng quality of
pasta obtai ned from brown rice appe ared le ss affe cted by the processing condition s. Therefore, the
nature an d intensity of starch mod ifi ca tions can be modulated by the processing condition s and mi ght
explain the dif ferent cooking behaviour of rice pasta.