It is not, therefore, to be supposed, that a barbarous monarch,
unrestrained and uninstructed, will ever become a legislator, or think of restraining his Bashaws,
° in every province, or even his Cadis° in every village. We are told, that the late Czar,*28
though actuated with a noble genius, and smit with the love and admiration of EUROPEAN arts;
yet professed an esteem for the TURKISH policy in this particular, and approved of such
summary decisions of causes, as are practised in that barbarous monarchy, where the judges are
not restrained by any methods, forms, or laws. He did not perceive, how contrary such a practice
would have been to all his other endeavours for refining his people. Arbitrary power, in all cases,
is somewhat oppressive and debasing; but it is altogether ruinous and intolerable, when
contracted into a small compass; and becomes still worse, when the person, who possesses it,
knows that the time of his authority is limited and uncertain. Habet subjectos tanquam suos;
viles, ut alienos.