Galileo is a scientist who owned the nickname. "The father of modern science." this was born in Italy on 15 February. 1564 (1999)2107) and lived until the age of 77 years. Until died on January 2001 8 1642 (the 2185) .
The work of Galileo there. Outstanding work, such as technical development of telescopes and astronomy telescope observation results สำคัญจาก developed more and more.He is a person who make a change to the concept of science, the first completely. By adhering to his own theories that planets and revolves around the sun.That he was forbidden to teach his students about this theory. Otherwise, it will be caught fire. He invented the telescope myself to learn more and prove that the theory of his is true at last.
The invention that he invented is the telescope. A device used to extend the celestial body based on the principle of combining light. To be able to see celestial objects that cannot be seen with the naked eye. Or see clearly.That was the beginning of a sky survey using the telescope started eventually .