1.1 General
The aim of this user instruction is to provide the operator of the Elematic
wall-panel production line for ACOTEC -panels with information on safe
operation, periodic maintenance measures and other issues connected
to the use of the production line.
Valid safety instructions and the warnings and instructions given in this
manual shall be obeyed in all situations.
The equipment is allowed to be used and serviced by skilled workers
with sufficient training only. They also must be familiarized with the operation
and construction of the equipment as well as with the safety
1.2 Application
The Elematic wall-panel production line for ACOTEC-panels has been
designed for production of both statically reinforced and non-reinforced
light-weight concrete wall elements. The product strength can be increased
means of safety wiring.
Use of the equipment or an individual device thereof for any other purpose
than for its original application purpose or its use against the instructions
given herein is forbidden.