Hello Noi, nice to meet you too.
Thanks for writing me. But I am a little bit confused right now, because you said that you are 27 years old, but in your profile you was writing that you are 31 years old! Hm??? But also I was wondering because you look very young at your pictures, but also very funny!!!
You said that your sister has been already in Germany! Where was she living, what has she done and did she enjoyed Europe, or more so so?
You said that you are working at the University, so what are you doing there?
I know that I have a lot of questions, but of course I would like to know more about you.
So my real name is Kai and once I have been in Thailand already, in Phuket for diving, which is one of my favorite hobbies. So you can be happy for to live in this wonderful country with this wonderful sea. I am working at the airport Frankfurt and this week I am working in the night for example.
So I hope that you will answer some of my questions, maybe all and I would be happy for to read something from you again.
Best wishes,