This is a moving film, with beautiful photography. I could not recommend it highly enough! I think many of the critics on this site have missed the point of what Baraka has to say. Yes, we know about modern medicine, and electricity, and what the Romans have done for us. Baraka isn't some Luddite, back-to-nature manifesto. It is simply an emotional connection with some of the more remarkable features of Earth and humanity in the late 20th Century. Some of it is beautiful, some of it is sad, some of it is awesome, some of it is messed up. If we had to send a documentary about our planet to an alien race, without the use of language, Baraka would be perfect. This film will not stroke your ego or give you some action adventure hero to identify with. What it will give you, if you have any sense of wonder left in your cynical 21st century head, is a spellbinding, spine-tingling, goosebumpy look at your own world.