Dear Beloved one In Allah.
How are you today hope all is well with you and other members of your
family if so Glory be to Almighty Allah, My dear Beloved Thanks once
again regarding your quick respond toward helping me donate my Late
Husband inheritance to the poor and needy despite your condition i do
not want to question Allah SWT on his reason to choose you because
I believe you are the rightful person to carry out this transaction i
am weak and weary sick and old there is nothing i can do as i can't
handle the project do not disappoint me and the thousand out there who
will benefit from your gesture.
Meanwhile I know that Allah will help you to do all you can to make
this Donation fund to go the way i want it to be so that the name of
our Allah will be glorified in the highest, I know it is not going to
be an easy task but i know that with the help of the Almighty Allah
there will be nothing to it and secondly with the lawyer here to help
you have no need to worry about, The selection for this transaction
was not based on merit or choice but the divine direction.
Here is the contact of my lawyer for you to contact him as I told you
in my second mail so that he will be assure who you are and your
wellness to carry out this Allah's work and he will also help you how
to get this fund retrieved from their custody of the bank in Togo.
Dear In Allah, Do not let me down get untouched with my lawyer
through email and phone so that he can give you the contact of the
bank for you to contact them for the assistance how to retrieve this
fund from their custody.
Below is the Contact of My Lawyer
Name Barrister Ahmed Mohn
Phone +228 93537502
Please notify me as soon as you contact my lawyer and always pray
for me this season of prayers.