In the wet process, the hand-picked mature cherries are mechanically de-pulped
using a pulping machine, which removes all the extraneous material and leaves the
beans surrounded by the parchment and a layer of mucilage. The beans covered
with the slippery mucilage are sorted by density and then put in cement tanks with
water and are allowed to ferment. The objective of the fermentation is to degrade the
slimy mucilage adhering firmly to coffee beans by pectinolytic enzymes. The time
required for the breakdown of the mucilage may vary and is dependent on temperature,
thickness of the mucilage layer, and concentration of pectinolytic enzymes present.
The ideal fermentation time is reported to be 24–48 h for best quality parchment
production. From the fermentation tanks, the beans are washed before moving to
drying patios and dried to 10%–12% moisture content. In the wet processing, the time
required for drying is 1–2 weeks. In the final stage, the beans are hulled to remove
the parchment skin. The wet method is mainly used for the processing of Arabica coffee
in Colombia, Central America, Kenya, East Africa, and Hawaii.
The dry method is simpler than the wet process, and is mainly used for Robusta
coffee which has a thin pulp that allows direct drying (Fowler et al. 1998). In Brazil
and Ethiopia, however, Arabica coffee is also processed by sun drying. In the dry
process, the coffee cherries are spread on drying grounds or mats in layers approximately
3–4 cm thick and are exposed to sun. They are heaped at night in order to
avoid rewetting and respreading each day (Silva et al. 2008). The length of time for
drying depends on the sun shine and may vary from 3 to 4 weeks.
In the wet process, the hand-picked mature cherries are mechanically de-pulpedusing a pulping machine, which removes all the extraneous material and leaves thebeans surrounded by the parchment and a layer of mucilage. The beans coveredwith the slippery mucilage are sorted by density and then put in cement tanks withwater and are allowed to ferment. The objective of the fermentation is to degrade theslimy mucilage adhering firmly to coffee beans by pectinolytic enzymes. The timerequired for the breakdown of the mucilage may vary and is dependent on temperature,thickness of the mucilage layer, and concentration of pectinolytic enzymes present.The ideal fermentation time is reported to be 24–48 h for best quality parchmentproduction. From the fermentation tanks, the beans are washed before moving todrying patios and dried to 10%–12% moisture content. In the wet processing, the timerequired for drying is 1–2 weeks. In the final stage, the beans are hulled to removethe parchment skin. The wet method is mainly used for the processing of Arabica coffeein Colombia, Central America, Kenya, East Africa, and Hawaii.The dry method is simpler than the wet process, and is mainly used for Robustacoffee which has a thin pulp that allows direct drying (Fowler et al. 1998). In Braziland Ethiopia, however, Arabica coffee is also processed by sun drying. In the dryprocess, the coffee cherries are spread on drying grounds or mats in layers approximatelyหนา 3-4 ซม.และไม่สัมผัสกับแสงแดด พวกเขาจะรันทดในเวลากลางคืนเพื่อหลีกเลี่ยง rewetting และ respreading แต่ละวัน (Silva et al. 2008) ระยะเวลาสำหรับการอบขึ้นอยู่กับเงาของดวงอาทิตย์ และอาจแตกต่างจาก 3 ไป 4 สัปดาห์
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