Ironically, the radical and hostile criticism of postcolonialism makes the opposite point: that the proliferation and celebration of all kinds of difference, the relative inattention to political economy and to the more tangible, institutionalized relations of production and domination, and the dispersion of historical subjectivity in textual analysis and the prison-house of language have robbed postcolonialism of its radical, transforming potential. In the same AHR forum on subaltern studies, a sympathizer, Florencia Mallon, writing on the influence of subaltern studies on Latin American historiography, protested that the Latin Americanists tended to flatten the tension between the radicalism of Gramsci and the poststructuralist emphasis on “difference” which had been in productive tension within subaltern studies. Their analysis of the subaltern, complained Mallon, amounted to no more than a version of postmodernism which allegedly celebrates difference for its own sake, whereas she herself proposed that critical post-structuralism be put to the service of a Gramscian commitment to a class-based emancipation.15 Other radical critics have not been so generous