Growing your hair 2-3 inches it normally take few months! but today we are going to show you a cool tip that tends to grow your hair up to 4 inches in just a week!
We are sure that you may not believe yet still you like this idea! So if you want to do this for your hair, you should follow some very easy steps. The first thing you have to do, to get in this process is: do not wash your hair everyday, let the natural oils build up. Then instructions are here as shown in the video, comb out your hair so there aren’t any tangles. Next prepare the oil, warm up oil or coconut oil. Put 2-4 tablespoons depending on your hair length. And the final step is to massage the olive oil in your scalp. And hang your head upside down. Even though it is uncomfortable, hang in that way for 4 minutes. It gets the blood to your head to increase circulation and leave the oil on your hair around 2 hours. Once you are done make sure you wash your hair with shampoo to get rid of the oil.