I suppose he's afraid, my Lord. The robbers are very strong, and their valley is hard to attack. But they must still answer to the law!' Judge Jeffreys said, the name of these people, and how many of them are there? They are the Doones, and we think there are about forry men in the valley. will do something about these thieves,' he said. perhaps I will come down to the west myself." But then he stared hard at me again, and asked: "Is there any sign, in Exmoor, of any dislike of the King?' No, my Lord. We don't know much about bim. That's a good answer," he laughed. "But the King knows he has enemies in the country, I see you know nothing about them, though. You're a good man, John Ridd. Keep out of trouble. Keep away from the King's enemies and the Doones well, and you will be safe. I was going to use you as a spy, bur I see you're too honest. I will send someone else. But never tell anyone what I've said to you.' Here he stared at me very angrily, but when he saw he had frightened me enough, he smiled again, 'Now go home, John. I will remember you and I don't think you will forget me. to had no money left to hire a horse for the journey back Exmoor, so I had to walk the whole way. It took me seven days, and was very glad to get home again.