Weed in one hand held the Staff of the Fallen Saint and in the other hand, the Magic of Bar-Kahn.
"Wyverns, to the battlefield!"
Wy-1, Wy-2, Wy-3, Wy-5, Wy-6, Wy-7.
The Wyverns pushed their proud wings and flew.
"Damn I'm getting cold."
"My sin is that I met the wrong owner, now I suffer and suffer!"
In the upper levels of the Valley of Death, cold winds blew ice particles. Weed was afraid of being unable to take the cold just from approaching it!
The Wyverns flew while trembling in the cold. If not for the colorfully dyed wolf leather clothing, they would not have been able to come anywhere near there.
Survivors of the expedition fell into despair as they saw the newly emerging Wyverns.
"Oh shit, Wyverns are coming out."
"Now I can't even run away."
However, their complexions quickly brightened up at once.
"What the hell is that, I swear those Wyverns are in clothing. Why are Wyverns wearing clothes?"
"Answer me this, the Wyverns’ appearance, doesn’t it look a bit weird?"
"That angular face, exceptionally short neck and protruding belly, I've clearly seen it somewhere ......"
"The Plains of Despair!”
"Wyverns helped the Orcs fight against the undead army.
"So ......"
"Weed! Weed’s here at this place!"
The expedition fell into celebration.
Hero from their dreams!
When asking about the adventurer and champion of the continent, the name Weed would appear.
"Dumb Wyverns, do not miss the food!"
When Weed issued the command to drop him off, the Wyverns vigorously flew to find a place for him observe the battle.
The Wyverns narrowly avoided the gathered expedition to attack monsters. Geumini in the meantime fiercely shot arrows.
The Geomchis, priests and wizards gathered around monsters and started fighting.
Even with the extended help, the situation would still be difficult to reverse.
Weed unfolded the Magic of Bar-Kahn.
In order to deal with the number of monsters, allies were needed. Usable allies were plenty here.
"Rise sleepless spirits living here undetected by eyes. Take revenge on those that killed you! Dead Rise!”
The land of ice that the expedition stood on darkened in color.
The land produced Zombies, Ghouls and Skeleton Soldiers!
As the undead army moved over a distance, Weed pointed and commanded them.
"Fight. Kill them. All your enemies!"
Under Weed's command, the undead sluggishly walked towards the Embinyu Priests and monsters.
With those unnatural movements, they slipped on the ice.
Nevertheless, in the fingernails brandished by the rising zombies contained tremendous strength.
They were strong monsters slow on speed.
"Weed produced those undead!"
"The undead are fighting the monsters."
Said the expedition that had fallen into chaos.
Undead are enemies of the living, yet they only destroyed monsters!
The Necromancer job had long been open to the public, but people had yet to finish changing jobs, so seeing the undead summoning skills with your own eyes was simply amazing.
"Call Death Knight Van Hawk! Call Vampire Tori!"
The summoning of a Death Knight and Vampire Lord!
A stacking Death Knight and pale faced Vampire appeared.
"Today must be very lucky for me to meet my favorite master."
The Death Knight began flattering as soon as he was summoned. Now that Weed had become an Origin of the Skeleton, there was a sense of intimacy.
Weed acknowledged that it had been a long time.
"Death Knight!"
"Master, give your orders. Which one do I fight? Just demand it and I will bring them in front of you as an offering."
The victory loving Death Knight replied confidently, but Weed shook his head.
"It's not that. Take off your helmet and give it to me."
"Did you not hear me? Take off your helmet and give it to me. I'm going to wear it."
In the world for only five seconds and already facing perfectly cruel behavior!
Returned only to be snatched again.
It was originally owned by the Death Knight, Weed was just going to steal it.
"This is my stuff."
The Death Knight stood upright and tried to protect his magic helmet.
Weed made a fist.
"Would you rather I beat you?"
Choose between a mix of coercion and violence!
Weed did not exercise patience.
"Don't make me tell you twice."
"... I’ll give it to you."
The Death Knight was forced to gently take off his magic helm.
For others, this fearful atmosphere would simply be considered as intimidation, but Weed had reached a stage of mastery in physical beatings. With his skill proficiency, a few days was all it took for him to knock someone into submission!
It would be nice to see people like that without free will.
"Don't worry. I'll return it later for you to use again. Go fight."
"Understood master."
The Death Knight rushed towards the Embinyu Priests.
Weed then looked back at Tori.
"You take the Bone Dragon."
"Focus on defense rather than attack it. You don't need to defeat it."
Tori was given orders to challenge the Bone Dragon and fight to the end.
"Vampire Queen and Vampire children, don't stick together. We are the nobility of the night."
"Yes my lord!"
Tori also turned into a bat with them.
Sharp vampire teeth!
Flapping their black wings, they clung on to the giant Bone Dragon and incited an attack.
You cannot defeat the opponent, but you can at least earn some time.
Weed in the meantime wore the magic helm.
"As long as it is written, let it be seen."
The magic helm made of cursed iron.
In the area drilled between the eyes, a brilliant yet insidious light burst out.
Glowing eyes like the flames of hell!
The Magic Helm of Van Hawk was among the items obtained from the Death Knight in Lavias.
At one time, he always wore the item, but not long ago, he created the Mithril Helmet of Noble Grace. Although he returned it to the Death Knight, he found himself in need of it once again.
- Resistance to Dark Magic is increased.
- Affinity with undead is increased by 10.
The magic helm granted options.
Weed once again used magic to summon the undead.
'Quite a lot of mana left.'
Step 1 of basic undead summoning magic.
Creating hundreds of dead bodies consumed about 4,000 mana only.
Staff of the Fallen Saint!
Thanks the immense effect of the weapon and his remaining mana, Weed decided to equip it.
'The physical force of the Origin of the Skeleton tends to be on the stronger side.'
Even without mana, you can engage in hand to hand combat.
Weed opened the Magic of Bar-Kahn and used step 2 of undead summonining magic.
"Ye who have returned to the land of living. This black and corrupt land is a dark place. The eternal dark law will never disappear, engrave this upon yourself. Undead Rise!"
Vibrations arose from the Staff of the Fallen Saint.
Weed saw numerous bodies being produced.
They did not have any necks, Dulahans!
Combat loving warriors.
In addition, a number of Skeleton Mages rose.
There were hundreds of undead. The large scale made it hard for them to be controlled.
Thanks to the Staff and Magic Helm, Weed had command of the forces, but he could not afford to create more undead as most of his mana had been used.
Only about 200 mana remaining!
A flash of light came from the Magic Helm Weed was wearing.
"Fight! War! Unfurl your hatred towards the enemy!"
Weed’s yell intensely radiated. His advanced Lion's Roar skill exhausted his remaining mana.
The undead jumped towards the Bone Dragon and monsters under Weed’s command to fight.
The zombies fought with broken bones and even resorted to using flying limbs.
The Dulahans embraced their ghoulish heads next to their torsos and in the other arm, they brandished swords.
"Enemies everywhere!"
Weed also created several boss class monsters!
Boss class Dulahans and Skeleton Mages gave rise to a dazzling performance.
For the first time in the battle, the expedition stood frozen, transfixed on the true power that was Necromancer magic.
"So many undead."
Usually in the game you avoid hunting undead!
During the expedition, most people saw undead for the first time.
A few people, however, could not believe that their eyes could shine like that.
"Don't you think that undead looks somewhat familiar?"
"Hmm? I guess so."
"Maybe it's Oberon?"
It was an unusually short Dulahan. Rather than avoiding the enemies, the Dulahan with a small body fought fiercely.
Necromancer magic used bodies in the place of elements. In other words, if there were no bodies, the power of the Necromancer spells was bound to decline.
The bodies of the expedition that died during the fight against monsters resurrected as the undead.
Tons of zombies and their exposed defects ran towards the enemy, stumbling on their dead limbs.
Their skills were nonexistent, but they had an appearance very similar to those killed in the past.
"But what are they?"
Rusty soldier armor. Dulahans also consisted of soldiers wearing old patterned armor.
These were Soldiers and Knights of the Nifleheim Empire.
All those that had fallen in the Valley of Death thus far were awakened by the call of Weed.
The scary undead cornered the monsters.
Weed saw information silently emerge on the message pane.