If you wish, you can click the Edit buttons to access the Column Mappings dialog for each table (see
Figure 2-4). Here you can change the mapping between each source and destination column. For
example, if you want the ProductKey column to go to the ProductKey2 column on the destination,
simply select the Destination cell for the ProductKey column and point it to the new column, or
select to ignore the column altogether.
Note that because you’re moving the data to a new database that doesn’t already contain the
FactInternetSales table, the “Create destination table” option is one of the few options enabled by
default. This will create the table on the destination before populating it with data from the source.
If the table already existed, the data will append existing records but you could specify that all rows
in the destination table should be deleted before populating it.
Finally, you can check the “Enable identity insert” option if the table into which you are moving
data has an identity column. If the table does have an identity column, the wizard automatically
enables this option. If you don’t have the option enabled and you try to move data into an identity
column, the wizard will fail to execute.
For the purpose of this example, don’t change any of the settings in this screen. Click OK to apply
the settings from the Column Mappings dialog and then click Next to proceed.
If no errors are found, you are taken to the Save and Run Package screen (Figure 2-5). Here you
can specify whether you want the package to execute only once, or whether you’d like to save the
package for later use. As shown earlier, it isn’t necessary to execute the package here. You can
uncheck Run Immediately and just save the package for later modification and execution.