How much detail should I expect?
Material information: Informed consent requires disclosure of “material” (significant or
important) information that will help the patient make an informed choice. The law defines
material information in 2 ways:
· The professional’s point of view: In this view, the health provider’s responsibility is limited
to telling you those things that a health professional who works in your community would tell
you under the same or similar circumstances.
· The patient’s point of view: A patient-oriented standard of disclosure means that the health
provider must tell you all the facts, risks, and alternatives that a reasonable person in your
situation would find important in deciding whether to have a recommended treatment.
Some of the material information a patient wants may not be available. For example, the long-term
risks of a new method of treatment may not be known. If this is the case, the spirit of the laws of
informed consent require the health provider to give the best answer possible, which may be “we
don’t know that yet.”
Limited knowledge shouldn’t stop you from asking questions at whatever level of detail you want.
Some people want to know as much as possible about the treatment or procedure before they agree
to it, while others want to know very little. Again, the doctor may not have all the information
you’d like, but you can find out what is and isn’t known.
What if I am having trouble understanding the information?
It’s your job to be sure that you understand the information you’ve been given, even if it means
going over the information many times.
Sometimes health care workers use words that are hard to understand. Ask the doctor to define
words and explain terms. Be sure to tell them what you understand and what you don’t. Sometimes
it helps to have a nurse, social worker, or patient advocate with you. They may be able to re-phrase
and explain things in ways that are clearer to you.
If you are facing an important health decision, it may help to bring a spouse, relative, or friend
with you. That way, there’s a second listener to help process the information and ask questions.
How long does the informed consent process take?
The entire informed consent process can take place in one short visit for a fairly simple procedure
about which you have few questions. On the other hand, it may take more conversations for
something more complex. For instance, if you are looking at more than one treatment option, a
long course of treatment, or a clinical trial, it may take some time. In fact, even after you have
signed up for a clinical trial and signed a consent form, the researchers running the trial should
keep you updated about new information that affects you as a volunteer. This is part of an ongoing
informed consent process, which can sometimes go on even after the clinical trial ends.
How much detail should I expect?Material information: Informed consent requires disclosure of “material” (significant orimportant) information that will help the patient make an informed choice. The law definesmaterial information in 2 ways:· The professional’s point of view: In this view, the health provider’s responsibility is limitedto telling you those things that a health professional who works in your community would tellyou under the same or similar circumstances.· The patient’s point of view: A patient-oriented standard of disclosure means that the healthprovider must tell you all the facts, risks, and alternatives that a reasonable person in yoursituation would find important in deciding whether to have a recommended treatment.Some of the material information a patient wants may not be available. For example, the long-termrisks of a new method of treatment may not be known. If this is the case, the spirit of the laws ofinformed consent require the health provider to give the best answer possible, which may be “wedon’t know that yet.”Limited knowledge shouldn’t stop you from asking questions at whatever level of detail you want.Some people want to know as much as possible about the treatment or procedure before they agreeto it, while others want to know very little. Again, the doctor may not have all the informationyou’d like, but you can find out what is and isn’t known.What if I am having trouble understanding the information?It’s your job to be sure that you understand the information you’ve been given, even if it meansgoing over the information many times.Sometimes health care workers use words that are hard to understand. Ask the doctor to definewords and explain terms. Be sure to tell them what you understand and what you don’t. Sometimesit helps to have a nurse, social worker, or patient advocate with you. They may be able to re-phraseand explain things in ways that are clearer to you.If you are facing an important health decision, it may help to bring a spouse, relative, or friendwith you. That way, there’s a second listener to help process the information and ask questions.How long does the informed consent process take?The entire informed consent process can take place in one short visit for a fairly simple procedureabout which you have few questions. On the other hand, it may take more conversations forsomething more complex. For instance, if you are looking at more than one treatment option, along course of treatment, or a clinical trial, it may take some time. In fact, even after you havesigned up for a clinical trial and signed a consent form, the researchers running the trial shouldkeep you updated about new information that affects you as a volunteer. This is part of an ongoinginformed consent process, which can sometimes go on even after the clinical trial ends.
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