I believe that readers of this book will find the explication of performance
theory applied to game-based learning especially useful. This work constitutes
my original theorization. Readers may expect to derive four main benefits: (1) an
explication of the difference between game-based-teaching and game-based learn
ing, and why this difference is of critical importance, (2) an exposition of the the
ory of game-based learning as performance, (3) concrete exemplars and research
outcomes relating to three game-based learning curricula that have been empiri
cally evaluated in schools, and (4) an understanding of complex issues related to
the human side of school change that must be effectively addressed to achieve suc
cessful take-up of game-based learning in schools. Related to item (3), the detailed
descriptions of the educational games in Chaps.
, supported by color screen
shots, should prove invaluable to game designers seeking a deeper understanding
of how to inflect pedagogical principles into educational game conceptualization
and design.